Support our Kickstarter campaign for the Happiness Workout Deck! Learn more.

Introducing The Happiness Workout Deck: Our New Kickstarter Campaign!

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our Kickstarter campaign for The Happiness Workout Deck! This unique deck transforms positive psychology into daily exercises rooted in the Eight Pillars of Happiness. Discover how you can boost your joy and well-being with our science-backed practices. Join the movement and support our campaign today to spread happiness far and wide!

Becoming Stress-Proof: How To Reduce Stress From Your Relationship With Your Children

Parenting will always be in a relationship with stress. And stress is a good thing when managed well. The strategies I share here will help manage stress so that you can better show up as the parent you want to be for your kids.

You Can Do Hard Things: Designing a Life You'll Love

We spend a lot of our lives avoiding hard things. We want life to be easy so we choose the paths of least resistance. Those worn paths tell us it's safe - that others have come before us and have walked these trails. They aren't bad trails. Yet there's something pulling us to go off course and follow our hearts. Something is out there, off the path, that is ours to find and enjoy and love.

Level Up on Instagram: Harness the Power of Heart-Powered Videos 🎥

The heart of using Instagram videos to power up your business growth is you. It's your presence and your invitation to connect and build relationships. Remember, it's not just about the technicalities; it's about weaving a narrative that resonates, connecting souls and fostering a community that thrives on authentic interactions.

The Power of Pricing: Unlocking Value and Transformations

Have you ever thought about raising your prices but felt a little unsure about how to go about it? Trust me, you're not alone. Here are some insights that could make this process feel a whole lot easier for you.

Create Impactful Content that Converts: Discover the 8 Key Content Buckets 🎯

Eight powerful content buckets that will transform your marketing strategy, helping you create impactful content that drives sales and grows your business.

The Power of Partners in Believing

Last month I had the incredible opportunity to co-lead a retreat with my partners in believing.  These remarkable women, who had never met in person before, formed a virtual bond over the past year, sharing our dreams, struggles and challenges. The retreat was a transformative experience that left us all feeling renewed, reenergized and ready to take bold steps in our businesses and lives. Our time together in the picturesque setting of Sonoma was nothing short of magical. Surrounded by ...

Embracing the Messiness: Swapping Perfection for Authenticity in Our Entrepreneurial Journey 🌮

Tacos are messy. Just like entrepreneurship. And to be successful, we need to get comfortable embracing the messiness of entrepreneurship. Trust me when I say that a messy invitation is far better than no invitation at all.

The Power of Good Messaging: How a Dress Taught Me About Business Success

In business, good messaging is everything. The story behind your brand holds the power to captivate and convert your audience. Invest time and effort into crafting a compelling message that resonates with your ideal customers and let it influence all aspects of your brand. Remember, it's not just about what you offer; it's about the story you tell.

The Art of Inviting: Growing Your Audience with the Power of Your Story

Remember, if you build it they may come. Or they may not. If you want to invite people into your world, it's vital to share your story authentically. Heart-Powered Marketing empowers you to engage with your audience, communicate your value and make a lasting impact.


Programs + Resources

Learn heart-powered marketing strategies and tools to create sustainable business growth while honoring your story, values and integrity. 

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