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At Project More Happy, we stand at the forefront of a transformative movement—a calling to architect a world steeped in justice, sustainability and an unwavering connection to our shared humanity. Our mission is fueled by the belief that the fabric of a flourishing society is woven from the threads of individual well-being and collective harmony.

We are actively designing a world that is more just, more sustainable and more firmly rooted in our shared humanity. 

Guided by The Eight Pillars of Happiness—Confidence, Authenticity, Optimism, Compassion, Purpose, Gratitude, Feeling and Curiosity—we unlock the science of well-being to light our way. These pillars, deeply rooted in scientific insight, affirm that happiness is a skill that can be honed through dedication, practice and integration into the very essence of our lives and the structures that define our society. The science of happiness is our North Star.

As we envision a future shaped by our deepest values, Project More Happy sets forth transformative long-term goals to actualize our vision for a happier, more thriving world.

We want a revolution in the world of education.

We believe in integrating the science of flourishing into our educational systems to foster environments where learning thrives on all levels—emotionally, socially and academically.

We want holistic community development.

We believe the science of happiness should guide local governments in building communities with collective well-being as the foundation, paving the way for progress and collective health.

We want to redesign the modern workplace.

We believe in creating inclusive workplaces that celebrate authenticity, foster agency and drive meaningful output that makes our world better for all of us.

We want a radical shift in business paradigms.

We believe in a circular economy focused on the sustainability and the well-being of all stakeholders, including our planet.

We want all human potential celebrated.

We believe it is time to move beyond a goal of inclusivity to fully embracing and integrating the diverse potential within neurodiversity, gender fluidity and cultural differences.

Our commitment to these goals is brought to life through personalized happiness coaching, engaging online courses, the Project More Happy Podcast and more, empowering people at every level to cultivate their own joy and resilience. Through speaking engagements, community workshops and corporate retreat facilitation, we amplify our impact, catalyzing a ripple effect of well-being that reaches far beyond the individual.

We invite you to join us on this journey toward a happier, more flourishing world. Whether you're seeking transformation on a personal level or aiming to inspire change within your community or organization, Project More Happy is here to guide and support you.

Let's build a happier world—for everyone.

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