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The More Happy Blog Heart-Powered Marketing 101 πŸ’–

Heart-Powered Marketing 101 πŸ’–


I like to tell clients that I went to advertising school so they didn’t have to.

And it’s true, to an extent.
I mean, I really went to advertising school to be able to make money doing something creative. But having gone myself saves others the expense.

In advertising school you learn how to say the right things to the right people to sell whatever it is you are selling. Sure you do market research, study media channels and learn design software. But that is all in service to the basic principles of marketing – Product, People, Price and Place.

All business is human to human.

When we understand these basic principles, we can create heart-powered marketing that meets people where they are with the transformations they desire. Marketing really is that simple.

Where we tend to get caught up as entrepreneurs is in the tools of marketing. We focus on the funnels and nurture sequences and social platforms and everything else. But we need to be focusing the 4Ps. None of the tools will work if you don’t have clarity around Product, People, Price and Place.

You have to know who you’re serving.
You have to go to where they hang out.
You have to offer them something they really want.
And you have to understand the value of it for them.

Those four things make up your marketing strategy. They’ll focus your messaging and help you connect with customers.

As entrepreneurs, we are sold a lot of magic unicorn marketing solutions. But marketing isn’t one-size fits all. There is no one right solution for marketing and growing a business. Every business is unique. What’s right for you and your customers won’t necessarily work for other businesses. And vice-versa.

The only right way to market your business is through building authentic relationships that provide value for everyone involved.

The best next step for growing your business is showing up authentically and serving people where they are. That’s the foundation of heart-powered marketing. And it’s the most reliable path to converting loyal, long-term customers.


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